• 莉蒂Lydia

    Astropsychologist ⚗︎

    Master in reading your soul and horoscope, providing inspiring astrological guidance.

    Limited Time Offer 10% OFF





    Our Aim is to Achieve Your Spiritual Transformation


    Based on the positions of planets and the signs of zodiac. ☾

  • 1.订阅服务 Book a session

    Please Note: Sessions delivered are based on guidance related to your Chart, alignment of the Planets and Stars to determine certain possible outcomes related to your life goals. All decisions made by yourself after receiving guidance are at your full responsibility and the information is used to assist you on your journey in making better life decisions. Please accept that as an Astropsychologist I am not liable for your final decision making and outcomes. I appreciate your understanding and l look forward to assisting you on making better life choices.

    星象咨询综合 Profound Astropsychological Consultation (65-155mins)

    星象咨询综合 Profound Astropsychological Consultation (65-155mins)

    ¥1,439.00 - ¥3,599.00
    This session provides inspiring astrological guidance to consciously connect with your higher self, reach fullest potentials and achieve greatest self-actualisation.

    The service of future events forecast and planning requires accurate time of birth. If you cannot provide this information, it is suggested to book a session of birth time rectification.

    Looking forward to exploring your horoscope and embracing your spiritual journey together.

    星象咨询整体结构经不断优化调整,涉及古典占星基础理论框架的搭建,昼夜盘光体吉凶论断,行星尊贵性分级(Dignities/Sects), 三分主性体系(Triplicity Rulerships)、主星体系(Predominator&Master of Nativity)、界主、面的深层次分析与应用,到整体突出的内部核心矛盾以及相关解决方案,当下困境,何时好转,以及如何主动应象,大周期趋势的推理等等…...以水星天蝎的探秘风格,穿插中西方多种独特技法,把整个星盘所揭露的课题以逻辑+故事情节的形式全方位、体系化地呈现给各位。

    Coming soon
    星象咨询单项 Astrological Consultation Single(45mins)

    星象咨询单项 Astrological Consultation Single(45mins)

    This service provides guidance regarding more specific topics such as relationship, career and deep healing & transformation.


    Coming soon
    年运2025 &星象塑形与健康 Yearly Forecast 2025 &Astrological Fitness &Well-being (45-95mins)

    年运2025 &星象塑形与健康 Yearly Forecast 2025 &Astrological Fitness &Well-being (45-95mins)

    ¥809.00 - ¥1,709.00
    This service provides structured personalised approaches to physical wellness based on your unique astrological horoscope. Personalised Fitness Training Plan will be tailored based on the position of planets for each individual.

    We aim to assist you build a fitness regimen and achieve body-mind balance through down-to-earth strategies. We believe a structured daily routine will build you strong with strength and endurance in physical and mental attributes.



    实践>理论,一份有温度的星象训练计划助你重新调整自己的人生节奏, 期待你的加入。
    Coming soon
    生时矫正 Birth Time Rectification  (55mins)

    生时矫正 Birth Time Rectification (55mins)

    To complete the birth time rectification, please provide big life events and time. For instance the time when you went for school/uni/college, relationship changes, relocation, career, family and life crisis etc.


    Coming soon
  • 2. 填写表单 Fill the form ☿ ✍︎

  • 3. 选择咨询日期 Select a date ♄

    Schedule an appointment

    Schedule an appointment

    Oxford @Microsoft Teams
    To complete your appointment, please select a date and time available for the personalised consultation. 默认北京时间,请根据当地时区换算时差。
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Asia/Chongqing GMT+08:00
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